What we do

What is FST?

FST is an open platform where everybody can come with a contribution (intellectual, social, financial, spiritual, etc.), but at the same time is a ‘collaborative’ of co-thinkers and co-workers with different levels of commitment.

FST Conference

The annual FST Conference is a conference for people active in Social Transformation to explore how our shared experience can help us in our individual context. We use the term Social Transformation to refer to large-scale social change. We are interested in bringing together people involved in Social Transformation like you who are already making change happen in their community, their country.  

The Conference provides opportunities to discuss how we can stir up, find, make and equip social reformers similar to yourself who have a vision for systemic and large-scale change. As a Forum for Social Transformation, we want to teach the art of social transformation as well as share the technical skills of it so that we can shape individual people to become social reformers and put tools in their hands to help them bring about lasting social change. It helps us all to understand the benefits of collaboration with like-minded people operating transnationally enabling us to grow in vision, confidence and skills.

Research and Training

We have identified potential research projects and set up working groups to explore how best to share our knowledge and other research to improve members’ knowledge of these topics. Current topics include:

  • Understanding the motivations and values that are the foundations for social transformation
  • Best practices in social transformation projects
  • How strategic partnerships can ensure sustainability of social transformation
  • Curriculum development to improve educational programmes

In addition, we share research produced by third parties and run training courses to support member organisations and their staff.    


We encourage mentoring between the members of the FST. This includes:

  1. Support to new staff members by more experienced individuals, typically in the same country
  2. Support to project managers from other project managers, often operating in neighbouring countries
  3. Support to organisation leaders by the leaders of the FST partners